Sunday, January 10, 2010

Stained Glass Windows What Do The Pictures On Stained Glass Windows Represent?

What do the pictures on stained glass windows represent? - stained glass windows

I'm doing a project on windows and I need to know all the symbolism in the pictures. I know that two keys is the key to the gate of heaven to Peter, but there are others, like an ox, the strange hat, the pope, and much more. I would now like to symbolize these images k and answers will be greatly appreciated.


tigris said...

If you answers to your questions on a link to give the picture and tell us where to find the window. There are probably millions of windows in this world.

angela l said...

Here is a list from AZ. Some images have two meanings, as we shall see when it comes to Ox - ie the strength, and is the symbol of St. Luke. ...
Go Four out of four symbols Apostle ... "Http:// for the symbols of Peter and the Pope. ...
As the shape of the hat of the Pope is in the form of a fish. See the meaning of the symbol of the fish on the first link I have.
Some windows will concentrate on a single Christian character and is the patron saint of the church.
Very good book called The signs and symbols in Christian art, which cover everything you want to know about. If you are interested, here is the link ...

fletcher... said...

These are the stations of the Cross, fourteen in general the number. Fourteen symbolize different religious ideals that are important for the church in the city,

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