Sunday, February 21, 2010

Ozark Trails Fleece Sleeping Bag Which Of These Sleeping Bags Provide More Warmth?

Which of these sleeping bags provide more warmth? - ozark trails fleece sleeping bag

Fleece Sleeping Bag texsport says, it is 50 degrees F. cost U.S. $ 20 ...

Ozark Trail Fleece Sleeping Bag does nothing. The cost is $ 10 ...

What makes the heat? How do I budget is $ 20

1 comment:

Dan B said...

Apparently, these pictures show something that is normally a sleeping bag, not something that is used, it would instead join one. There are many sleeping bags on the market, but I can not find something new for less than $ 20 Double the price and you will find a large selection of bags, you will be warm even in subzero temperatures. Observe what they are for sale, or try to find in a secondhand shop. If you give satisfied with less, they will not be satisfied and the money already spent wasted. It is wiser to save a little more, you can buy a bag better their needs and not nearly done. Good luck in your choices.

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