Sunday, January 17, 2010

Birth Announcement Poems Can Someone Recommend Or Write A Baby Girl Poem Please?

Can someone recommend or write a baby girl poem please? - birth announcement poems

I need a poem for a beautiful birth announcement that I do for a friend who has 4 children, and finally a little girl .. Is there something already there, or we can do something quickly? something about the protection of their older brothers and sisters? How .... Care for children .. I do not know, I prefer a sleepless night ... Thank you! I really appreciate your help ...


◄─xtian─... said...

A flower among the thorns

A flower among the thorns
A young girl is finally born
One child in children
A new bundle of joy

To protect with his brothers
Playboys, think twice before they cheat
With his brothers for guidance in
You can click on the destination address prior to your

To assist with his brothers to
She has never, ever felt alone and isolated
With his brothers on this baby love happiness
His life is colorful and cheerful

Good luck, a small but fine
A good life for you has begun
With your brothers with you
His life is certainly an adventure Joyride

krizt said...

We hope that it works for you!

God makes a special gift
In the skies above
A gift that brings joy and laughter
Lots of sunshine and love

All these wonderful things
With a soft heart
In a girl
and blesses the part of any valuable

He gives her labia Rosebud
And the baby-soft skin

And just when it seems perfectly
He again touched
Then he sends to his family
Thanks to his earthly mother, who was
and blesses all those who love them
for eternity!

I know the Father does, these things
only he can
because there is no other way to explain,
a blessing, as you do.

The Girlies :) said...

Sugar and Spice and everything nice
that's what girls do.


A girl ...
one of the most beautiful miracle of life
one of the greatest joys we can know,
and one of the reasons
It is a little bit of sunshine, laughter and happiness
In today's world.

curious said...

A girl up
Sent from heaven to love
So love all the early years
And you raise your glass to all the applause

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